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Doggy Behaviour: Pestering Visitors for Attention

Does your dog pester visitors for attention?
Its a simple fact, dogs love attention. But if your dog is relentlessly pestering guests, there are a few things you can do to address the overly-social behaviour.
Quite often the problem is caused in the first place by visitors making a fuss over your cute new puppy, who will then expect the same treatment from every visitor to your home.
Keeping your dog on a lead when visitors arrive, and asking your guest to ignore your pet, is a good way to start. Get your dog to lie down next to you while you chat to build a feeling of normality. Keep a pack of training treats on hand to reward your pet for it's patience and good behaviour to establish this as routine.
Once this method has been practiced for a while, take your pet off the lead and ask your friend to call it over for some gentle petting. Pet your dog calmly for a while, and then communicate "that's enough now" and break eye contact. Call the dog back, using the training lead if needed, and with repetition your pet will learn to enjoy the attention of your visitors without demanding it.
To browse our range of training treats for dogs please click here.
To browse our range of dog leads please click here.
Photo credit(s): Canva Pro Licence